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An overdue update

I’ve been so busy in the last 8 months with my new job and a couple of side jobs, that I’m totally behind on my posting. So here is the update.

I now work “officially” a the web editor in the Canadian Soccer Association business development department. My position’s responsabilities include Web Content Management, Writing and Editing, translation and graphic design. Since I started 80% of my work is Graphic Design related. Even if the hour are long, the job is very fulfilling and rewarding especially when you feel your are making a difference in the organization. Working in sports is not all glam and fame as one might think when watching sports on TV. The team(s) is always on the forefront, but now I understand how much work there is behind the curtains, especially for amateur sports in Canada. While working for the Association I also do some graphics work for the National Organizing Committee of the FIFA Women’s World Cup Canada 2015. With this new job I’ve rediscovered “The Beautiful Game” as it is called.

I’ll try to post some of my design work when I get the proper authorization to do so. Some of this work will be official projects or others designs that were not used. I will continue to post freelance jobs when I have the chance.

6th semester begins!

This is it! The light at the end of the tunnel, the last stretch or the beginning of the end would describe my situation. Tomorrow my 6th and last semester as a graphic design student will begin. Rumour has it that the last semester is very difficult and strenuous for the students because everything is crunched up into 8 weeks. If the past is any indication of the future, I don’t need to worry too much. I just can’t wait to begin my 8 week internship and be done with college… for the second time. I will post my projects along the semester if time permits. Otherwise, I’ll make multiple updates at the end of the semester.

May inspiration be with you … always.

The 4th Semester as begun

Monday I began the second half of my 3 year graphic design program. I’m a bit more apprehensive since I have more classes than last semester, and I believe some of my  teachers expects great things from me which I might not be able to deliver all the time. More so since I might have a small job outside of school this spring which will use up some time I would put on my school projects. As for the blog, I’ll try to post my projects as they are done instead of waiting until the end of semester. May creativity be with me. 🙂

Third semester begins tomorrow

Vacation is over. After spending most of the summer working on our new house, I’m going back to school for my third semester in graphic design. Again, lots of courses, but the one I’m the more eager to be part of is the first of four web design classes. Even if I have owned and created websites since 1997, I will finally learn to do them the right way. I will still continue to post my projects on this blog as they are completed. I’ll also, from time to time, broadcast my project live on ustream as I’m working on them. I’ve already done so during the summer with a digital painting project as some of you have discovered.

May inspiration be with me. 🙂

Semester 2 begins today

Vacation is over. My second semester as a graphic design student begins today. In the next four months, I will learn Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator (CS4) and will also have the following courses: Graphic Design II, Drawing II, Creativity I, Applied Arts History II and Communication Techniques II. I will post my projects right after they are graded by my teachers if time permits, otherwise they will be available at the end of the semester. Most my first semester projects are available on this blog.

May inspiration be with me.

My new Creative Portfolio

As many of my twitter and facebook followers already know, I’ve gone back to college in Graphic Design this past September after losing my job as a Geomatics Specialist. Going back to school at 37y/o is quite an experience especially when most of your classmates are close to 20 years younger than you. My first semester was quite a success and I can’t wait to learn more about this discipline.

I decided to create this blog to feature my present and past work, ranging from art, audio production, graphic and web design to photography. As of now, only my recent creations are displayed but my past work will soon be posted. The decision of using a blog came because my personal website was out-of-date (2007) and, lets face it, difficult to update. With this wordpress blog, I will be able to get my project out there faster without using precious time. I also decided to write in English instead of French because I can reach more people and get more exposure. If you like what you see, let me know.
